Architectural Plants
Acacia Limelight From $26.95 /
Juniperus Blue Arrow From $32.95 /
Magnolia Teddy Bear From $109.95 /
Casuarina Glauca, Cousin It From $19.95 /
Clivia Orange From $35.95 /
Azalea Shiraz $32.95 /
Acacia Lime Magik From $45.95 /
Phyllostachys Nigra Black Bamboo From $219.95 /
Schinus Molle, Pepper Corn Tree From $38.95 /
Clivia Yellow $58.95 /
Ficus Lyrata Fiddle Leaf Fig From $42.96 /
Fargesia Emperor bamboo From $79.95 /
Jacaranda Mimosifolia From $17.95 /
Cercis canadensis, Forest Pansy From $295.00 /
Casuarina River She-Oak From $17.95 /
Fargesia Luscious bamboo From $65.95 /
Ficus hillii Standard Ficus $159.95 /
Acacia Dazzler From $26.95 /
Alternanthera Little Ruby From $17.95 /
Bamboo Oldhamii, Clumping Bamboo From $44.95 /
Cordyline australis Sunrise From $18.95 /
Buxus Sempervirens Sphere From $219.95 /
Cordyline Electric Pink From $22.95 /
Juniperus Scopulorum Skyrocket From $17.95 /
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Bangalow Palm From $42.96 /
Gingko Biloba Maidenhair Tree From $69.95 /
Crassula Bluebird $13.95 /
Agonis After Dark, Willow Myrtle From $32.96 /
Acacia Copper Tips From $42.96 /
Buxus sempervires English Box Standard From $295.00 /
Casuarina glauca, Shagpile From $19.95 /
Acacia Winter Flame $39.95 /
Bamboo Multiplex Alphonse Karr From $79.95 /
Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba From $49.95 /
Buxus Sempervirens English Box Cone From $219.95 /
Ceratopetalum Gummiferum New South Wales Christmas Bush From $18.95 /
Brachychiton Rupestris Queensland Bottle Tree From $18.95 /
Pyrus calleryana Aristacrat Ornamental Pear From $46.95 /
Cordyline australis Cabernet $42.96 /
Cordyline Pink Passion From $24.95 /
Bamboo gracilis From $109.95 /
Himalayacalamus porcatus Nepalese blue bamboo From $109.95 /
Koelreuteria Paniculata, Golden-rain Tree From $169.95 /
Cordyline albertii Chardonnay $36.95 /
Bamboo eutoldoides viridi-vittata China gold From $139.95 /
No set variety of plant makes up this particular category. Architectural plants is a term we at online plants like to use for plants which 'break the mold'
They're just a bit different. Their foliage, colour and shape differ from the usual. Generally, Architectural plants are one-off, an example is the Queensland bottle tree, this looks absolutely stunning as a single specimen plant. However, it can equally effective as a pyramid planted group of 3.
Architectural plants do not have to be exclusive and rare, they can be common such as the Silver Birch. Great example of a really underrated tree that stands out for its unique shimmering trunk and foliage. Planted in a group or in isolation can look superb.
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