Correa is known as the Star of the Season or Rock Correa
Correa height varies greatly from ground-covers such as C. nummelarifolia and C. alba prostrate to large shrubs such as C. reflexa. Correa attributes are many and varied, they are highly bird-attractive, popular with honey eaters and other nectar-feeders. They are also highly drought tolerant, this is because they possess a fine, web like root system, that burrows into the soil extracting every last piece of available moisture from the growing medium. For this reason its not uncommon to find Correa happily growing in roadside settings without any maintenance. They are also highly frost tolerant. A wonderful plant for the cooler climates of outer Melbourne and Canberra. Correa are also virtually pest and disease resistant. NO spraying chemicals necessary.
Hybrid Correas such as new release forms of C. Ivory Beacon have a tendency to be more compact and heavy flowering than the wild species, which makes them a desirable gardening plant.
Correa flowers usually differ in colour and shape. From the unusual chefs cape multicoloured Correa bauerlenii to Correa redex, or the dainty C. alba. This is a very beautiful flowering shrub that be a showcase plant that adds a touch of ambiance to the garden.
2. When does the Correa Flower Appear?
Correa flower in the cooler months, generally the main flush of flowering is in Autumn. Then sporadic flowering through out the year. One of my favourite flowering forms is the dainty and delightful C. pulchella Pink Bells. It's mass of soft pink tubular flowers in March and April are a delight in the garden. C. glabra yellow has an interesting contrast with their deep yellow flowers.
3. Correa History
Correa is named after the Portuguese botanist Jose Correia da Serra they belong to the Rutaceae family which includes the commercial citrus fruits. Correa plants have been cultivated in Australia for at least 50 years.
Correa Varieties:
Correa Glabra Red Form
Correa Autumn Blaze
Online Plants, a leading nursery in Melbourne, is proud to offer these exquisite plant varieties for sale, providing you with the opportunity to bring your dream garden to life.