Online Plants

Callistemon Purple Splendour

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pot size: 14cm
Sizing guide

Callistemon 'Purple Splendour' is a captivating evergreen, native shrub known for its striking purple flowers and attractive foliage. This Bottlebrush species typically grows up to 2-3mt tall and wide, with narrow, lance-shaped leaves that have a deep green color and a slightly weeping habit. The real showstopper, however, is the abundance of vibrant, deep purple bottlebrush-like flowers that adorn the shrub in late spring and early summer.

To grow Callistemon 'Purple Splendour,' choose a sunny location with well-draining soil. Plant in spring or fall, ensuring proper spacing. Water regularly, especially during dry spells, to establish a healthy root system. Once established, it can tolerate some drought. Prune lightly after flowering to maintain a compact shape and promote new growth. This cultivar is generally hardy and adaptable, but it prefers a mild to warm climate. With its unique purple flowers and attractive foliage, Callistemon 'Purple Splendour' adds a touch of beauty and elegance to gardens, borders, or as a striking focal point in the landscape.

Callistemon Purple Splendour is available from Online Plants, Australia's leading e-commerce plant nursery. Located in Melbourne we offer fast, accurate and careful plant delivery to all Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane, metropolitan and regional areas.

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